Structured Query Language 

SQL is used when a database is connected to a site allowing you the capabilities to store,retrieve and search for data. Different users will have different authorization over the access of data.
The most common thing done on sql databases is sql injection.

SQL can be used in login pages for a website, the log in information for websites will sent to the server as a form of query and if the information the database will report back to the application. After this the the user permission will be granted by a cookie or an authentication token stored both in the browser and in the server.

The reason a site uses services for sql is that they need to store data somewhere and PIIs(Personally Identidiable Information) such as passwords, messages etc need to be saved. 
Some common techniques of sql attack defenses are
1) input validation(compares input against malicious and non malicious preknown inputs)
2) parametrized queries(makes sure sql diffrentiates between code and data)
3) stored procedures()
4) implementing WAF(web application firewall) 


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